Working at the T100 in San Francisco was truly a whirlwind experience that I will never forget. Every detail had to be meticulously planned and executed flawlessly to create a memorable event for our athletes. The work started at 2 am, and we only had a tight 2-hour window to set everything up before the event kicked off. It was a race against time, but with a dedicated team by my side, we managed to bring everything together seamlessly.

The key to making this event a success was our incredible team. Each member played a crucial role and worked tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of the event was perfect. From setting up the swim, bike and run coordinating with vendors and managing athletes arrivals, everyone worked in harmony to bring our vision to life.

T100 San Francisco

the city

After the event, we finally had the opportunity to explore the vibrant city of San Francisco. In just 5 minutes, we were able to transition from the charming Italian flair of Little Italy to the bustling streets of Chinatown. The diversity and energy of the city were truly captivating, and we were thrilled to immerse ourselves in the unique culture and atmosphere of each neighborhood.

One of the highlights of our post-event adventures was a boat tour that took us past the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and around the historic Alcatraz Island. The views were breathtaking, and we were able to appreciate the beauty of the city from a different perspective. We also made sure to visit Pier 39, a popular waterfront destination known for its sea lions, shops, and restaurants. It was the perfect way to unwind after a hectic but fulfilling day of work.


Overall, my experience at T100 in San Francisco was a testament to the power of teamwork, dedication, and passion for creating unforgettable experiences. It was a thrilling journey from the early morning hours of event setup to the leisurely exploration of the city’s diverse neighborhoods and iconic landmarks. I will always cherish the memories made and the lessons learned during this incredible adventure.

san francisco

Me signature to be sure
Categories: Triathlon


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